Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's a Very, Very Mad World

She actually sleeps through the entirety of this section of the film but whatever. This is one of my favorite images of all time. Donnie Darko, girlfriend (whose name doesn't really matter but it's Gretchen) and Frank. Ah Frank. <3
I bring up this movie Donnie Darko because of the ending. Gary Jule's "Mad World" plays as they show the aftermath and the ripple effect of Donnie's potential life. It hits me so hard everytime I hear it. Especially the lines "Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow. And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had." I know I'm very late to the party with this movie and the song but it resonated with me. I fall asleep at night humming Mad World and hoping that tomorrow a jet engine will fall on me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Demon Rats

Today I was late for work because I had to buy a new rat cage. Heroine (Hero for short) is a medium sized albino rat. Lucille (really called Baby) is a large gray rat. I originally got Baby first having absolutely no idea what to do with a pet rat. I just knew that I wanted a fuzzy pet. See, the fish I'd gotten were awesome but I couldn't hold them without killing them so.... However after about a month or so with Baby I finally did my research and found out that rats who live solitary are not happy. Baby was a wee bit neurotic so I figured I'd get her a friend. I didn't want an albino rat as their freaky little red eyes disturb me. My brother however pointed out that if I got another gray dumbo rat I would not be able to tell them apart. So I picked out Hero. Hero is a demon. I swear to God she is from hell. I love her. She's soft and energetic but she's a psycho!! I put all the things they need to chew on in their cage, made sure they had food and water. She apparently didn't like the cage. I sleep with headphones in at night because they make so much noise. So I don't notice anything until my alarm goes off and I look over at the cage. There sits Hero on top of the cage looking at me. Baby peers at me through the wires, still inside the cage. SHE CHEWED THROUGH THE PLASTIC BOTTOM!!! I'm upset but I can't really do much about it. I don't have the money to go buy a new cage. So I patch it up with two cd cases and painters tape. Then I put their wheel in front of the cd cases so she can't chew the tape off. So I think to myself that it's over and when I get the $$ I can get a new cage. So I go about my day, the rats sleep comfy-cozy. I go to bed like normal. I wake up to my alarm and turn to look at the rats. THERE SHE IS. SITTING ON TOP OF HER CAGE STARING AT ME! She chewed a second hole straight through the plastic in one night. I flip out. I end up an hour late for work because I had to run out and buy a new METAL cage with money borrowed from my brother. $107.11 for this cage. I assemble it. They have been upgraded into the rat version of a high rise mini mansion. This thing has 4 stories!!!! They have a bigger house (relatively) than I do.Needless to say I'm kinda pissed about it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why do I bother?

I don't know who this picture belongs too, or where I found it, but there it is. If you want it, claim it in the comments. But since no one is reading this, I don't really thing I need to put disclaimers on anything. Whatever. Fukitol!

What is the point of having a blog that no one reads? I might as well be keeping a diary or some such. I don't really know why I keep posting things. They don't really matter. Whatever. I'm just gonna throw a picture on this and probably not post for a bit. It's not like anyone will care. :\

"And what I wouldn't give to find a soul mate. Some one else to catch this drift. And what I wouldn't give to meet a kindred." --Alanis Morissette (All I Really Want)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Straight and To the Point

I'm not sure who should receive credit for this image but if it's yours leave a comment and I'll credit you.

"That is why I want a. Coin-operated Boy."
-Dresden Dolls,
Coin-Operated Boy

Saturday, August 1, 2009

5 Things I Like

This picture ------------------------------------->
is entirely unrelated to the post, but it's pretty and I think I should start each post from now on with a pretty picture.

Five Things I Like:

1) Listening to "inappropriate music" at very loud volumes while driving in my car with the windows down. I like to do this when driving down small town main streets, stopped at red lights and behind people in the drive-thru. I sing along loudly too.

2) Ordering kids' meals at fast-food restaurants just so I can get the toy. Just the other day I went to McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal for the Grimace toy. It was well worth it!

3) Talking to people about what books they should read. I recommend the Hollow Kingdom trilogy by Claire B. Dunkle. (Mostly just the first book though). Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is also an excellent read for those who would like to read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice but feel it lacks zombies.

4) Ranting about things I don't like. Twilight is the worst thing to happen to vampires! Stephanie Meyer's has no idea how to write a vampire book. Her main characters lack depth and motivation as well as personalities. All the stupid tweenie girls reading these books need to see some real literature about vampires. Vivan Vande Velde's Compainions of the Night. That is a good vampire book for teens. And the Twilight movie is ridiculous and filled to the brim with bad acting!

5) Finding little treasures at garage sales for less than $3. I have this gorgeous little statuette of a 20's woman, all pure white but for her lips and eyes. She's divine and I bought her for 50 cents.
I've found piles of fabulous costume jewelery for 10 cents a piece and colorful scarves for only a $1.

DC - WHY?!?!

Please excuse my excess use of capitalization but I feel very strongly about this.


But not by giving up who you are to become your mentor!! YOU ARE NOT BATMAN DICK GRAYSON!!

I am very displeased with you DC Comics!